Weapons-Free Campus

Section: IV. ADSV 222
Approved By: Dr. Sheila Ruhland, 07/26/16
Last Review: Unknown
Last Revision: Unknown
Prior Revisions: Unknown
Initial Adoption: July 13, 2016


Tacoma Community College maintains a Weapons Free Campus. For purposes of this Policy, "property of TCC" includes any vehicle, building, classroom, laboratory, artistic venue, athletic venue, entertainment venue, all College-related organization property whether leased or owned by TCC, and all TCC-officially-recognized organization property whether leased or owned by TCC and any real property, including parking areas, sidewalks, and common areas under the control of TCC.

No person covered by this policy, unless authorized by law or specifically exempted by federal or state law or TCC regulation, is authorized to have in their possession a firearm, weapon or explosive at a time when engaging in TCC-related business or activities on TCC property referenced in WAC 132V-120-050:

  1. It shall be the policy of this college that possession of weapons apparently capable of producing bodily harm and/or property damage is prohibited on or in college facilities or college-leased facilities.
  2. Explosives are prohibited on or in college facilities or leased college facilities.
  3. Carrying of firearms on or in college facilities or college-leased facilities is prohibited except and unless the firearm is registered with the campus security department for a specified period of time.
  4. The aforementioned regulations shall not apply to equipment or materials owned, used or maintained by the college; nor will they apply to law enforcement officers.


Tacoma Community College seeks to maintain a welcoming and safe educational and learning environment for students, employees, and visitors.

To Whom Does This Policy Apply

This policy applies to all employees, faculty, students, student workers, visitors, and contract employees. No one is excluded from this policy.


WAC 132V-120-050


Explosives: Any chemical compound or mechanical mixture that contains any oxidizing and combustible units, or other ingredients, in such proportions, quantities or packing that an ignition by fire, friction, concussion, percussion, or detonator, or any part of the compound or mixture, may cause a sudden generation of highly heated gases that results in gaseous pressures capable of producing destructive efforts on contiguous objects or of destroying life or limb. This includes, but is not limited to, fireworks, firecrackers, black powder, dynamite, etc. as well as detonating devices such as detonators, blasting caps, timers, incendiary wire and the like.

Firearm: means any pistol, revolver, rifle, smoothbore arm from which a shot, bullet, or pellet can be discharged by whatever means, including BB guns, air guns, paintball guns, or other projectile devices.

Possession: Includes, but not limited to, the presence of a weapon on an individual, in his/her motor vehicle, desk, lunch box, locker, a tool kit, bag, purse, cabinets, office, or under his/her control.

Reasonable Suspicion: The degree of knowledge sufficient to induce an ordinarily prudent and cautious person to believe that the circumstances being presented are more likely to be true than not. Reasonable suspicion must be based on an articulatory, specific and objective basis and may include direct observations; or information received from a source believed to be reliable.

Weapon: a weapon is any object or substance which under the circumstances in which it is used is capable of causing injury, including without limitations, all firearms, facsimile firearms, ammunition, firearms accessories, empty holsters, and magazines, electronic defense weapons, martial arts weapons, paintball guns, air guns, simulated weapon, replicas, parts of a weapon, switchblade knives, or any knives with blades four or more inches in length, swords, bows and arrows, hand grenades, brass knuckles, sling shots, dangerous materials and chemicals such as mace or teargas, but excluding normally available over-the-counter self-defense chemical repellants.


The provisions of this Policy apply to the possession of firearms or weapons on TCC property, walking trails on the east part of campus, or at any TCC-sponsored activity. The provisions do not apply if the possession of the firearm or weapons is:

Carried by a law enforcement officer from an external agency conducting official business at TCC.

A simulated firearm, or weapon may be authorized and permitted for educational purposes in connection with TCC-related research, teaching or theatrical production, (e.g., stage play or film production, or rehearsals for them), from the appropriate Vice President or designee.


A student who violates this policy will be asked to remove the weapon from campus immediately and will be subject to disciplinary action pursuant to the Code of Student Conduct. Further, TCC may contact the appropriate law enforcement agency if it learns that a student has violated or is violating the policy. The student may also be subject to arrest.

An employee who violates this policy will be asked to remove the weapon from campus immediately and will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Further, TCC may contact the appropriate law enforcement agency if it learns that an employee has violated or is violating the policy. The employee may also be subject to arrest.

A person other than an employee or student who violates this policy will be asked to remove the weapon from campus immediately. Further, TCC may contact the appropriate law enforcement agency if it learns that such person has violated or is violating the policy. Such person may also be subject to arrest.

Violations may result in referrals to external law enforcement agencies.


  1. This policy does not apply to law enforcement officials duly authorized to carry such weapons.
  2. Persons employed in the Army, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard or Marine service of the United Stated or any member of the Washington National Guard when in the discharge of their official duties and acting under orders requiring them to carry arms or weapons.
  3. Civil officers of the United States in the performance of their official duties.
  4. Armored guards in the performance of their duties of picking up and dropping off money.

Contact Information

  • Department of Campus Safety, 253-566-5111, Ext. 5111 from any campus phone
  • Office of Student Conduct Student Affairs, 253-566-5115, Ext. 5115 from any campus phone.
  • Office of Human Resources, 253-566-5374, Ext. 5374 from any campus phone.
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